
This map shows the provinces of Canada that we’ve preached in over the years:  Manitoba and Ontario. One Lent, Greg preached four three day missions and a two day mission in 15 days in Manitoba. Major league cold for a Florida boy.

The two day mission was in Winnepegosis. The first night (Saturday), there had been heavy snow and no plowing. We had 14 people that lived close enough to walk there. The next afternoon (Sunday), we had about 70 people from about five different denominations. A couple in their forties told me, we’ve lived here our whole lives except for moving away for university. You are the first mission preacher that would drive all of the way out here to our little church. We always try to at least do a short mission at the mission church locations when we are preaching in the larger parish associated with it.

I was so pleased with the warm coat that someone had him me out of their going-to-Goodwill box when he was in TX just a few weeks before the missions. Two old women told him at one of the parishes, “You are from Florida. We feel so bad for you. All you brought is that little Spring coat!”

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